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C# | BitConverter。ToInt32()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-bit converter-to int32-method/

BitConverter。ToInt32(Byte[],Int32)方法用于返回从字节数组中指定位置的四个字节转换而来的 32 位有符号整数。

public static int ToInt32 (byte[] value, int startIndex);



返回值:这个方法返回一个 32 位有符号整数,由 startIndex 开始的两个字节组成。

  • 参数异常:如果 startIndex 大于或等于值的长度减 3,并且小于或等于值的长度减 1。

  • ArgumentNullException: 如果值为空。

  • argumentoutofrangerexception:如果 startIndex 小于零或大于值的长度减 1。

例 1:****

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
// Main Method
public static void Main()
    try {
        // Define an array
        // of byte values.
        byte[] bytes = {32, 0, 0, 42, 0,
                        65, 0, 125, 0, 197,
                        0, 168, 3, 41, 4,
                               125, 32 };
        // Display the values of the myArr.
        Console.Write("Initial Array: ");
        // calling the PrintIndexAndValues()
        // method to print
        // print char value
        Console.WriteLine("index     byte Array           int value");
        for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length - 3;
                              index = index + 4) {
            int values = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, index);
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}     {1}         {2}",
             index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes, index,
                                           4), values);
    catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
// Defining the method
// PrintIndexAndValues
public static void PrintIndexAndValues(byte[] myArr)
    for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) {
        Console.Write("{0} ", myArr[i]);


Initial Array: 32 0 0 42 0 65 0 125 0 197 0 168 3 41 4 125 32
index byte Array int value
0 20-00-00-2A 32
4 00-41-00-7D 16640
8 00-C5-00-A8 -15104
12 03-29-04-7D 10499

例 2:议论文异常

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
// Main Method
public static void Main()
    try {
        // Define an array
        // of byte values.
        byte[] bytes = {32, 0, 0, 42, 0,
                        65, 0, 125, 0, 197,
                        0, 168, 3, 41, 4, 125};
        // Display the values of the myArr.
        Console.Write("Initial Array: ");
        // calling the PrintIndexAndValues()
        // method to print
        // print char value
        Console.WriteLine("index      element          int value");
        for (int index = 1; index < bytes.Length - 2;
                                 index = index + 4) {
            if (index == bytes.Length - 3) {
                Console.WriteLine("startIndex equals the "+
                               "length of value minus 3.");
                int values = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                 index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes, index, 4), values);
            else {
                int values = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                 index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes, index, 4), values);
    catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
// Defining the method
// PrintIndexAndValues
public static void PrintIndexAndValues(byte[] myArr)
    for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) {
        Console.Write("{0} ", myArr[i]);
    Console.WriteLine("initial Array in string: {0} ",


Initial Array: 32 0 0 42 0 65 0 125 0 197 0 168 3 41 4 125
initial Array in string: 20-00-00-2A-00-41-00-7D-00-C5-00-A8-03-29-04-7D
index element int value
1 00-00-2A-00 2752512
5 41-00-7D-00 8192065
9 C5-00-A8-03 61341893
startIndex equals the length of value minus 3.
Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentException

例 3:argumentout of rangeexception

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
// Main Method
public static void Main()
    try {
        // Define an array
        // of byte values.
        byte[] bytes = {32, 0, 0, 42, 0, 65,
                        0, 125, 0, 197, 0,
                        168, 3, 41, 4, 125};
        // Display the values of the myArr.
        Console.Write("Initial Array: ");
        // calling the PrintIndexAndValues()
        // method to print
        // print char value
        Console.WriteLine("index      element          int value");
        for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length + 1;
                                index = index + 4) {
            if (index == bytes.Length) {
                Console.WriteLine("startIndex is greater than "+
                                 "the length of value minus 1");
                int values = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                 index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes, index, 4), values);
            else {
                int values = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                 index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes, index, 4), values);
    catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
// Defining the method
// PrintIndexAndValues
public static void PrintIndexAndValues(byte[] myArr)
    for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) {
        Console.Write("{0} ", myArr[i]);
    Console.WriteLine("initial Array in string: {0} ",


Initial Array: 32 0 0 42 0 65 0 125 0 197 0 168 3 41 4 125
initial Array in string: 20-00-00-2A-00-41-00-7D-00-C5-00-A8-03-29-04-7D
index element int value
0 20-00-00-2A 704643104
4 00-41-00-7D 2097168640
8 00-C5-00-A8 -1476344576
12 03-29-04-7D 2097424643
startIndex is greater than the length of value minus 1
Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

例 4:ArgumentNullException

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
// Main Method
public static void Main()
    try {
        // Define an array of byte values.
        byte[] bytes = null;
        // get the int value
        int values = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);
        Console.Write("{0}", values);
    catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    catch (ArgumentException e) {
        Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
        Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);


Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentNullException


  • https://docs . Microsoft . com/en-us/dotnet/API/system . bit converter . toint 32?视图=netframework-4.7.2

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